Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Kate Nash in Toronto

Hair, CHECK! Makeup, CHECK! Casual but cool outfit, CHECK! Lady date, CHECK! Tickets, CHECK! Double check details.... PROBLEM. I was all ready to go to the show on March 8th, but upon checking final details before heading out the door, I realized I was a week early. I had been so excited and remembered only that it was on a Friday night, just forgot to double chick WHICH Friday night.

So fast forward to this past Friday, March 15th. I went through the whole getting ready process all over again, had another predrink with one of my friends, and then proceeded to head downtown to catch the actual show. Friday night Toronto had the pleasure of hosting UK's Kate Nash at the Horseshoe Tavern. The venue always promises a good show and I knew that Nash would do just the same.

We arrived before the opener began so we decided to use the bathroom during that time and primp up in the mirror. I was fixing my hair when none other than Kate Nash herself came out of a stall. Surprised and excited all I could do was compliment her awesome hair before she left. Like really. GET A GRIP right?! lol.. Luckily a few girls had stopped her outside the bathroom for pictures so I was able to grab a picture with her before the show began.

When we went back upstairs to the main room, Supercute! kicked off the show. With Kate Nash taking pictures and dancing off of stage right, the girls and their girly attitude looked comfortable but still very shy. Perhaps that was part of the image and act they were going for. They rocked a very cool look and sound, and included a cover of "Painted Black" with their hard ukelele beats. We made our way to the front corner for a good view but I soon realized that standing in front of the speaker may not have been the best idea for this show. Partially because their singing came off a little bit more like yelling during parts (in my own opinion), but also because later on in the night, Nash's set got heavier and louder.
Supercute! on stage

After what seemed a pretty quick set, the girls left the stage and the crowd waited during a LONG intermission for Nash to grace the stage. She recently released her latest album, Girl Talk, so her set consisted mainly of her newest material. I had listened mostly to a lot of her older material a few years ago so her new sound was a big change, but equally as catchy. Definitely more of a feminist punk feel than what she had put out before. I found a lot of her songs to have a bit of a hypnotizing edge to them. Add that to a heavy bass, some tinny electric guitar, and her incredible stage presence, and you have her show. Personally, I liked the sound she had with some of her older material, but her performance on stage left nothing to be desired and I found myself able to enjoy the whole show regardless.

Kate Nash and her all girl band

 Unfortunately, the crowd and volume levels left me feeling slightly sick closer to the end of the show so I had to move back, but was happy to hear her break out "Foundations" as one of her closing numbers. Chances are I'd see her live again (but next time not so closet to the speaker), and definitely prefer her new material live as opposed to listening to the album at home. Perhaps we'll run into each other in a bathroom again at her next show. Who knows. Overall, amazing show Kate! I thoroughly enjoyed myself :)

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